I, on occasion, write.
In that vein, here are some of my books, on Amazon.
Gossamer Threads:
The Web I Weave

Gossamer Threads is a memoir intertwining pieces written during the author’s addiction and later, once sober, exposing some of the trials of living life on life’s terms. Along with these old writings he offers today’s reflection on his own web of insanity, love, lust, anger, and struggle.
This offering is by no means a complete accounting of his life but simply a glimpse into the life of a man growing into his adulthood.
Here is an offering, a gesture, to share that there is hope and healing after addiction. It shows that even in sobriety, success, and doing all the ‘right things’ bad things happen and that life is a daily challenge; along with joy and love, there is pain and suffering. The challenge is to always strive for the light even when all one can see is darkness.
This book is about hope and love and life draped in shades of gray with sparks of lust and anger.
Here is one review of the work:
Wow! I didn’t want to read this in one sitting; I had errands to run and with Christmas one week away, I had so many things to do. But there was a battle going on in this book, and I was compelled to read page after page. I needed to know the outcome. Who would win?
I think it’s hard to write a memoir. I have tried myself, but lost courage and quit. I’m glad Albert didn’t quit. Just as his life is a testament to not giving up, not giving in, so was his narrative. Poetic and demanding, his words were searing, sharp and honest. His thoughts and actions as he switches from past to present and back again, are so deep, introspective and alarming, they grab you just like he was grabbed, and they won’t let you go. Anyone who is using drugs, who is thinking about using, or who is in rehab must read this book.
But what am I saying? I have just excluded anyone who is sober, anyone who is “normal” and doesn’t fight life’s demons. I should instead say, everyone should read this book and learn what courage is all about so they can deal with their internal and external demons no matter their form or origin.
Thank you author, for sharing. By so doing, you are continuing to release the grip. You are continuing the catharsis. You are continuing to win the battle. Good job!
Since The Day you Were Born

We have all seen books about growing up and birth and teenagers, with loads of important sounding information. There are also a bunch of books about the beauty of birth and growing up and parenting: It is all very serious stuff. Isn’t it time to take a humorous look at the tough task of getting our kids to just put the dishes in the dishwasher, or pick up their socks? In this beautifully illustrated book, the author takes a somewhat serious, somewhat whimsical look at the seemingly simple task of getting our kids to take part in the housework. This book is a lighthearted, humorous, reminder that no one ever got scolded for helping with the housework.
Here is one review
Fun book to give to teenage kids and grandchildren. They make such a mess! Great way for them to see that there aren’t servants eagerly awaiting to clean up after them! We laughed together – probably because this book is so true!! Highly recommend as gift to all teenagers alike!
The Silent Well: The Absurdity of Judgement

This work is a collaboration with a dear friend, Julia (https://IntenselyPersonal.com)
Deep and piercing, surprising and encouraging, The Silence Well explores judgment and the joy of being excellent to each other and to ourselves.
Why judge?
This essential book takes the reader through the various stages of judgment until its absolute absurdity is revealed – an open doorway into freedom.
Are you ready?
Coming Soon!
Food is Fuel & Other thoughts to eat by