Year: 2022

  • Living in The Under: A Dream of Being

    As I slept, I dreamt. I had a dream that I was living on the sidewalk, on a corner on a rainy day. People passed unseeing, not noting our being there. As I looked down the walk I could see a tarp, dozens of feet long covering an encampment where we, huddled together barely touching,…

  • Uploading Photos is a Pleasure & a Chore.

    I spent some time today looking through saved images and organizing them for display. What in my mind was a quick task, became a trip down memory lane. It is not a bad way to spend time. Take a look, here are a portion of the photos.

  • Well Come to Here.

    I have been toying with the idea of having a website and not really sure what I would do with it. So here is day 1. You can see in the links that there is a page listing my books on Amazon. Take a look, maybe something will interest you.I suppose as the days go…